What made me decide to teach abroad? I've been asked this question innumerable times over the past few months, weeks and days. The job market in education hasn't exactly been welcoming of us newly credentialed teachers; I love traveling and what better time to teach aboard then now? Things fell into place quite nicely for me with a particular foreign teaching company and I didn't need to look any further. An American, Christian school, with instruction in English and teaching students about God while living in Japan and exploring a new culture and country across the world...what more could I ask for? I'm excited to be able to share my faith with students and challenge myself by stepping outside of my comfort zone. So, to answer your question: there are no teaching jobs here, I am sans a husband/kids and love to travel. After all is said and done, I have faith that this is where I am meant to be right now.
This week has been filled with countless trips to the mall, packing, unpacking, repacking, being frustrated, crying, laughing and most importantly, spending quality time with my family and friends. My cell phone officially was shutoff on Wednesday...it's only been two days and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel lost without it! That change has definitely made the reality of leaving set in. This week my family had a small gathering for me, in cele
bration of my impending departure. It was nice to visit with everyone...not so nice to say "see you soon" to people I will miss tremendously. On the upside, I weighed my suitcases and am good to go as far as how much they weigh...I even got to add some items to them (25 pairs of shoes should be enough, right?). Tomorrow, Mom, Lindsay and I are going to try to do a spa day with facials and massages. Then tomorrow night I'll join a few friends for one last happy hour before take off. PJ set up my web cam and we practiced talking on Skype. With the weekend ahead of me and just four short nights left here, I'm ready to relax and enjoy quality moments with those I love most. I'm getting more and more emotional as the days pass, please keep me in your prayers as my final day approaches!

You are going to do great! I admire you so much for living your dreams even though it means sacrificing so much. I am sure you are completely emotional which is totally normal. I cannot wait to see pictures of your little ones. Just think what a difference you will make in their lives. Though I am sure now a year seems like a long time. Just think back to that first day in the credential program. We all looked as if we wanted to cry. We were all so unsure, but we made it. We made great friends, had some laughs and maybe a few secret tears here and there with regards to our TPA's or Master Teachers. So don't worry. As with anything in life. At the time it seems so hard and sometimes crazy, but in the end it usually ends up making you a stronger better person. A person filled with expereience and culture. Good Luck! I will miss you! I know we will keep in touch!
Block 18 Rocks!
Thank you so much Courtney, you read my mind and made me feel much better..thank you thank you! I will be in touch :)