A teaser of my blog to come within the next few days =)
So, I know you are all wondering what I (or the principal) have decided to do regarding the whole pre-k/kindergaten combo disarray. Last week, my team teacher and I talked to the principal and I told him my thoughts on the idea. I told him that Sarah and I both prefer staying in our classroom and that with 1st and 2nd grade in one room, the students need two teachers. With all of our students being English Learners and phonemic awareness being a major part of our core curriculum, having both us of in the room is vital to student success. The principal said "okay" and we ended it there. He said he wanted things settled by Friday but no decisions have been made as of now. The pre-k and kindergarten classroom has calmed down a bit, a few of the pre-k students got transfered to the preschool room and one of the kindergarten students came to my room. It seems things will be left undecided and no action will take place...for now.
My feelings have went back and forth since being presented with this proposal. If I do have to make the decision, I will take pre-k over having the 1st/2nd combo alone. This would be the best choice for me, living in Japan and dealing with everyday life. I am happy things are staying the same, which was my first choice =) I will keep you posted if/when a final decision is made.
For now, thank you for your advice and prayers!
In the meantime, my students are making sure I get my daily dose of laughs. I took this picture after collecting homework from my students on Friday. The top page is a spelling list with directions CLEARLY listed: "Copy the list on tablet paper." Below the list is what the student turned into me!!!!!!!! =)
I was able to do a lot of fun things this past weekend. Rocky (Japanese teacher) took me to a salsa lesson on the military base Friday night. Then, Rocky and Lori (kinder teacher) took us on a waterfall hike Saturday (hence, teaser picture). I have tons of amazing pictures which I'll be posting with details over the next few days. I'm waiting on a video from salsa dancing before I post =)
My friend who was stationed here last year, gave me the email of a few of his friends who are currently stationed here. I've been in contact with them and they invited me to a pajama party next weekend, should be interesting. Any chance to get on base and I'm there, stocking up on groceries!
Military life on this island continues to intrigue me. A few random things I learned about Military life on Okinawa:
- Military people drive cars with a "Y" on the license plate which stands for "Yankee"
- Marine bases are all "Camps" Ex: Camp Kinser, Camp Foster, etc.
- Okinawa Measures 67 miles long by 2 to 17 miles wide, and covers a total area of 454 sq. miles (I'm getting a little claustrophobic).
- Okinawa accounts for less than one percent of Japan's land, but hosts about two-thirds of the 40,000 American forces in the country!
- After World War II, Okinawa remained under the control of the United States for 27 years, ending officially in 1972!!!!!!! That wasn't THAT long ago!
- If you are a Marine here, you can only have a car if you are married WITH children! (Guess there were too many marines gone bad).
- On base, as the American flag is lowered at sunset, the national anthem is played and everyone stops (including cars) to pay a moment of respect to fallen soldiers. I witnessed this for the first time a few nights ago, it was an awesome moment.
lol at the student's homework! A pajama party?? haha I can't wait to hear about that. I enjoyed reading the facts about Japan...I'd feel a little claustrophobic too ;) I'm looking forward to seeing the salsa video! Anything like your lessons from here?