After a few weeks of rain, we finally got some sunshine!

Friday night, Rachel and I ate at Chilli's on base. We had burgers, margaritas and ice cream! It was fun to eat American food and be surrounded by other Americans. However, the burger didn't settle too well with me. I only had half of the burger but I'm just not used to eating beef, so, I think it's a sign to stay away from it, especially here!
I took Rachel to Okinawa World on Saturday (the place I went my first week here that has the habu sake). Okinawa World is a 2 hour drive and with the rain it was an "adventure" of a drive. Luckily, Rocky made me a detailed map, after only a few detours, we actually made it. We sampled and bought habu sake and hibiscus tea. I found good Okinawa donuts too (to my aunts and grandma; they are as good as the ones in Little Tokyo). Okinawa World wasn't as interesting this time around, even for Rachel. We only stayed about an hour before heading back.
Saturday night, Rachel and I went to Kathi's house (the lady who lent me the new mattress). She is a dentist in the air force and her husband is also in the air force. They got here a few months ago from San Diego. Kathi invited us over for dinner and told us to bring our laundry to use her American washer and dryer! We ate a homemade chicken dinner and a delicious pudding dessert.
Sunday, we went to church on base and shopped at the new BX (base exchange). I was told this new BX on Kadena is the 2nd largest BX in the world! The biggest is in Europe. I bought some Christmas gifts and American magazines. Rachel, Lori and I ate in the food court and talked for a few hours. Again, it was nice to be around other Americans. Sometimes, I just like sitting and watching them, wondering what made them want to join the military, if the like it, etc.
Tomorrow my class will celebrate "fall" by carving pumpkins, counting and graphing the seeds and making a pumpkin dessert. Saturday is the school and church "Fall Festival." They will have games and food booths and I'm helping make some of the food. It will be nice to see some of my students outside of school. Not much else going on for Halloween here. Japanese people don't really celebrate Halloween. Our office secretary told me that Halloween just started getting popular here a few years ago and that most kids don't dress up. My students don't know what Halloween is, so they don't know what they are missing out on =) Poor kids, I'm sad that I'm missing out on Halloween!
Rachel has been here 3 weeks and has 3 weeks left. Our calendar is getting booked with things to do before she leaves. She has been relaxing and enjoying her vacation. She has not been going to school with me but will go with me tomorrow to help out with our party.
Next week, report cards are due and parent conferences are the following week. Lots of stuff going on in November!
I'm getting information about a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, so I'm hoping we will get to attend that soon. Hope your all enjoying the fall weather in SoCal!
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